Develop all fitness skills by using the FITSWORDs in 4 TRAINING SCENARIOS.
You will find something that is perfect for you. Maybe you are into FITNESS, simple and easy. Maybe you love being creative with FREESTYLE drills. Maybe you'd like to learn COMBAT TECHNIQUES. Maybe you want to FIGHT. MAYBE YOU LIKE THEM ALL... LIKE US
Every SCENARIO is physically intense. Every movement is a rep!
Get used to the weight of the FITSWORD®, with a safe progression, made of simple and basic gestures with a weight that you can handle, and over time increase the weight and complexity of gestures and choreographies.
Task is to master the use of the FITSWORDs that makes repetitions more fun and entertaining than the steril use of clubs and kettlebells.
The FITNESS oriented exercises begin with easy moves, that progressively become more demanding from a physical point of view; even if apparently not bound to the “sword world” they can be very useful to build the necessary strength and resistance that will be essential once you’ll train the SWORD oriented exercises.
Holding the FITSWORD® in your hands, makes of every movement a repetition, as at every step, at every lift, at every rotation, you feel the FITSWORD® weight in motion, working directly arms and shoulders, together with core and legs, as the transmission of power (and control) goes through this kinetic chain.
With your FITSWORD® you can do free-style drills, where creativity is mixed with athletic skills and infinite possibilities.
With Freestyle and Dexterity moves you start to develop sword handling skills. You begin with basic moves, that progressively become more and more complex, inspired by the many sword styles developed around the world.
EVERY MOVEMENT IS A REPETITION: The result is an exhausting workout for your arms, shoulders, chest, back, core and legs. You won’t count the strokes... you just keep going until your body says stop. The time flew, you trained, had fun and raised the bar of your skills!
Conventional weight training is normally performed with linear movements along only two directions (and in any case with a limited angular range).
With the FITSWORD® you perform wide and complex multidimensional movements (circular, oscillatory and tri-planar):
- increase joint mobility of the shoulder while they strengthen its muscle-tendon and connective structure as they work in decompression rather than compression (the shoulder is the most mobile joint in the human body but unfortunately the great mobility compromises its stability);
- increase overall endurance thanks to the possibility of training with rich and engaging routines and sequences;
- strengthen the other muscles involved in the entire kinematic chain: arms, core and legs;
- strengthen the grip strength of hands, wrists and forearms.
FITSWORDs are safer than Clubbells, being the blade soft and padded, and are healthier for your joints (thanks to the reduced torque having the mass almost concentrated on the handle, instead than on the elongated part).
The result is an exhausting workout for your arms, shoulders, chest, back, core and legs.
Get fit through the repetition of "Predetermined" Combat Techniques. Even if you play slow and soft, each move is a rep... every duel is a training set, engaging and intense.
At every attack, at every move, you'll feel the FITSWORD® more and more heavy, but you got to endure and keep on sparring, till your contender can't lift his sword anymore!! You will gain strength from sword cut/thrust/parry exercises and endurance if you train with long sequences of cuts.
Gladiators would spend hours a day training with their heavy wooden swords (rudus) through a full body workout by moving their bodies around through pushing, thrusting, twisting, dodging, squatting and lunging away from the opponent. The constant swinging of the sword helped sculpting shoulders, arms, core, legs while they refined technique, gaining strength and stamina.
With FITSWORD®, we have been able to combine the best of the Gladiators training methods, by making
a training sword that is:
- as SAFE as possible to enjoy long hours of intense training (thanks to the soft and padded blade and to the weight concentrated mostly on the hilt-handle for a reduced kinetic strike);
- and HEAVY at the same time to increase strength and stamina (thanks to the hilt-handle modular and progressive in weight).
Training on your own is highly recommended before practicing with a partner, in order to have the time to learn the techniques and reinforce your body. All combat techniques can be practiced alone and are explained and shown on our videos (you have just to follow along). You can also apply the techniques at full power using a Punching Bag / Spar Bar.
Training with a partner is what makes the FITSWORD® a very special training tool, that allows interaction. It’s perfect for team building and socialization. You learn to interact with other people, you adapt and get in synch with them, in an effort to improve all together. It puts you to the test constantly while facing (in the form of a play) your opponents.
You can also exercise with a group, with training games involving the whole bunch. This kind of training will help bonding the people and building mutual respect and confidence.
You enter the world of combat sports and martial arts where confrontation is "harder" and the purpose is no longer the simulation of the basic movements but their real application with the intent to touch or strike the opponent.
We strongly recommend the use of protections. The contenders must decide and agree the level of engagement. You can play free combat with various intensity.
When you train with a partner, be ready to adapt all you have learned to an endless amount of variables.
Every contender is different. The interaction provides different situations each time, forcing you to change and adapt what you learned.
In Free Combat you are tested constantly while facing (in the form of a play) your opponents. With this kind of unpredictability, the emotional involvement is great!
The result is enhanced awareness, calmness in the face of danger, perception, emotional control, and the ability to make rapid decisions. Your body must react as a whole, improving agility, reflexes, coordination, muscular
responsiveness (that you find rarely in other kind of fitness activities).

At first glance you might think that using the FITSWORDs doesn't involve the whole body, that is not symmetric, that is not safe, that you should train with people strong as you. THAT'S ALL WRONG.
It's a safe, symmetric total body workout, and you can spar also with people stronger or weaker than you. Just follow the training we developed.
It’s real Functional Training for a total body workout, as handling the FITSWORD® works directly your arms and shoulders, while working your core and legs, as the transmission of power (and control) goes through this kinetic chain.
The body is a whole integrated system and not a combination of isolated parts. So we have to train as a whole, involving all the muscular primary movers and stabilizers; with the FITSWORD® you can train with a wide variety of exercises and movements (multidimensional training).
Having the whole body in motion, while controlling the FITSWORD®, doing footwork, squatting, lunging and dodging emphasize the proprioceptive awareness (improving balance, reflexes and agility), coordination and self-awareness (due to the handling of the FITSWORD® from basic to more complex movements on a tri-planar space).
Training with 2 FITSWORD® is fun, involving, and very intense; it’s the ultimate challenge!
All the training that we developed for you (more than 120 tutorials) is based on DUAL SWORD WIELDING, so we strongly suggest you (even if you are training on your own), to order at least 2 FITSWORD, in order to have a satisfying long lasting experience.
We made the training symmetric all along the learning curve, even at the very beginning.
Find out and adjust your natural imbalances, thanks to circular motions (especially around the head or torso). You’ll notice if one limb or joint is weaker or more tight than the other. Revealing your weak links is the first step to address them and correct the imbalances. This kind of problems are often very annoying to be treated and corrected. With the
FITSWORD® instead it will become a natural process in order to get the same ability and capacity (in terms of strength and flexibility and coordination) with both sides of the body.
Fast learning curve: all you’ll see in our lessons, videos, tutorials has been learned by us in few months of intense training. We took inspiration from many fitness and martial arts disciplines, and applied to the use with the FITSWORD®. We developed a fast learning method that goes from the vary basics to most advanced techniques easy to learn and apply. All has been done with the expertise of Pro-Trainers and Martial Arts experts, in order to make the learning progressive, meaningful and effective.
The ultimate training goal is the ability to use effectively 2 FITSWORDs, and the ability to practice and duell with them.
It requires coordination and mind-body control. Build the automatism to make the 2 arms independent and able to strike an attack while the other arm defends you from a blow. To make it possible, you should train the non-dominant arm with the same attention of the dominant arm.
The FITSWORD® is like a short sword (70 cm long). The range is limited and the movements are wide and predictables.
Keep a safety distance, so you can practice all your techniques without risk. The purpose of this training is having fun and learn the technique with style, while you improve strenght, endurance, agility, coordination.
If you respect the safety distance, you can train at maximum intensity without risk, as the opponent is away from your FITSWORD's range. We want you to have fun, without unnecessary risks.
This means that two persons of different sizes/strenghts can train together with FITSWORD® of different weight. Each contender struggles with the weight of the FITSWORD® chosen, while sparring and training.
This feature allows the practice in a mixed class with people of different size and strength, as they can train together, each one feeling the strain of their training.
The FITSWORDs are so versatile that you can train in 4 different scenarios, with hundreds of exercises and routines, developing strength, endurance, coordination, combat skills. You can train on your own, with a partner, in a group. ANYWHERE.