G-FORCE is designed to target specific movements you do in SPORTS and ACTION SPORTS, as you train with exercises involving the same muscles and movements of your sport.
4 Training Setup avaialble: from the classic suspension exercises to more advanced versions of them, thanks to the pulley that adds instability and challenge to all movements (moving in a multi-planar space, as with the natural functional movements).
Makes of every exercise a total body workout, by involving not just the main muscles used on the exercises, but also all other stabilizing muscles.
- perform all of the BILATERAL exercises you can do on traditional training gear (like chest press, chest fly and reverse fly, row, pikes, curls, triceps extensions....);
- adapt the resistance of the workout to your fitness abilities: just change your body angle by moving closer or farther from the anchor point (pendulum force that gets stronger the further the anchor point is from the handles);
- build the necessary skills to more advanced exercises.
Compound exercises are exercises that work multiple muscle groups at the same time. For example, a squat is a compound exercise that works the quadriceps, glutes, and calves.
You can also do compound exercises that combine two exercises into one move to target even more muscles (for example, a squat with back row).
Benefits: If you only have a limited amount of time to exercise, you’ll work more muscles and build more strength by focusing on compound exercises (burning more calories, improving intramuscular coordination, elevate heart rate...)
The rotating pulley takes the training to a new level by adding even more instability to all strength movements.
- perform the classic bodyweight exercises with an higher degree of difficulty (the pulley makes of even a simple push-up, a much harder exercise, and allow to identify if you have a dominant side);
- perform authentic UNILATERAL exercises allowing for back and forth, twisting, push and pull motions. The single arm effort mimic real movements;
- perform ROTATIONAL exercises, that are the key to tri-planar movements (the natural movements involved with every sport and key to avoid body injuries by developing mobility and functional strength).
G-Force extreme versatility lets you train specific movements you do in SPORTS and ACTION SPORTS, as you train with exercises involving the same muscles and movements of your sport (the pulley lets you move in a multi-planar space, as with the natural functional movements).
This is called S.A.I.D Principle (Specific Adaptation to Imposed Demands):adaptations and improvements are most significant when training is similar to the activity you perform.
Who is stronger? who has more stamina? who doesn't give up? Allow two people to train at the same time: as one pulls in one direction, the other pulls the other way, working the muscles non stop the positive and negative phase.
- the more force that one applies, the harder the other person works, improving strength, power and speed with a wide range of exercises;
- push each other’s limits;
- learn to work together, providing resistance, fun, motivation and competition;
- team building tool, to train and test athletes;
While one partner is doing a positive contraction (like bending the elbow from straight to fully flexed), the other partner is doing a negative contraction to oppose resistance:
- everybody is stronger during the negative phase of any lift (this overload capacity of around 30-40% higher than in the other phase, explains why you can lower more weight in the bench press than you can raise);
- the negative phase requires less energy (in fat, glucose or ATP) to complete a motion (for example, one expends more energy going up a flight of stairs than going down the same flight).
So, even a much weaker person, during the negative contraction, can oppose an outstanding resistance to the motion of his stronger partner, by making the training profitable and challenging for both.
Transform the G-Force in a Cable Pulley System to recruit all major muscle groups while moving in multiple planes, and to practice rotational movements and isolation exercises.
- remove an handle and attach free weights (kettlebells / a bag full of stones / water bottles etc..) to mix your training routine (muscular confusion);
- provide a smooth, continuous action which reduces the need for momentum to start repetitions;
- provide a constant tension on the muscle, allowing a safe means of performing negative repetitions;
- perfect for muscle isolation, to activate and increase the strength of a single muscle, as to rehab after an injury.
It can be used by all fitness levels and for all needs. By leveraging your body weight and using the pulley, G-FORCE offers the possibility for progression by increasing the load for further challenges.
G-FORCE has great accessibility (not using any additional weight to your body), so it’s really safe and easy for beginners or people coming back from injury.
Thanks to the extreme portability (less than 2 lbs / 1kg), you can easily install it outdoors, when traveling or at home and as a result, you are not restricted to training only in a gym environment.
With G-Force you can also incorporate flexibility and mobility training into your workout, together with rehabilitation to help improve range of motion with basic assisted exercises.
Whether you’re just beginning your journey into flexibility or pushing beyond your limits in pursuit of a few millimeters more, G-Force is the perfect tool to help you pursue flexibility:
- similar tools are already used in ballet, dance, martial arts and other sports to improve shoulder ROM, leg flexibility, hip range of motion, balance and gain strength and control over the movements;
- the three planes of motion can help identify deficiencies and expose compensations, especially of the upper extremities and shoulder complex.
G-Force allows to load and unload your body during motions:
- By unloading some bodyweight, it is possible to safely move through a greater range of motion;
- By pushing or pulling through the Pulley, you can add resistance and leverage to a particular stretch, helping pull the body to a range of motion that might not otherwise be achievable (help improve ROM in different directions).
You can use G-Force training with a partner (ONE-ON-ONE) to train ROTATIONAL MOVEMENT PATTERN needed in many athletic scenarios
Baseball, golf, tennis, surf...the list of sports that rely heavily on rotational power goes on and on.
The issue for many athletes and coaches may become the application of that strength through higher speed movements, especially in the right planes of motion. With G-Force ONE-ON-ONE Mode, you can do it easily.
Rotational power requires kinetic energy built up from the lower body and transferred to the upper body and through the hands.
We need to train the CORE to hold a stable position so that force can effectively make its way up the chain and create considerable whip of the upper extremities.
Pulley Suspension Exercises provide excellent CORE training as the muscles that surround the hips, torso and back are often involved in the performance of correct exercise technique.
You can use G-FORCE for cardio (working out your cardiovascular system). The resistance provided by suspension exercises stimulate muscle activity and blood circulation.
You can shift freely and quickly from one workout to the next (thanks to the very fast setup). This seamless change in movement and position prevents your blood circulation from slowing down, forcing your heart and lungs to keep up with your speed. You’ll be sweating and breathless in no time.